Press Releases

LPKR Shareholders Approve Changes In The Composition Of The Board Of Directors

09 October 2023

Jakarta, 9 October 2023 - In the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) of PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk. (“LPKR”) held on October 5, 2023 in Jakarta, the Company’s Shareholders approved the composition of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company from the closing of the EGMS until the end of the term of office of members of the Board of Commissioners and Directors at the close of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders that will be conducted in 2028, as follows:

Board of Directors


President Director                                                     : Ketut Budi Wijaya

Deputy President Director                                        : Dicky Setiadi Moechtar

Director                                                                     : John Riady

Director                                                                     : Marshall Martinus Tissadharma

Director                                                                     : Surya Tatang

Director                                                                     : Dominique Dion Leswara

Director                                                                     : David Iman Sentosa

Director                                                                     : Phua Meng Khuan (Daniel Phua)

Director                                                                     : Gita Irmasari


Board of Commissioners


President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner           : John A. Prasetio

Independent Commissioner                                                    : Anangga W. Roosdiono

Independent Commissioner                                                    : Dr. Kartini Sjahrir

Commissioner                                                                         : Kin Chan

Commissioner                                                                         : George Raymond Zage III

Commissioner                                                                         : Anand Kumar



In the first half of 2023, LPKR successfully achieved a positive NPAT of IDR1.1tn. The positive NPAT in Quarter II/2023 marks an encouraging achievement supported by improvements in business fundamentals in all business segments, without a one-off event. This positive NPAT achievement was supported by 19% revenue growth and 39% EBITDA growth compared to the previous year.

For real estate segment, the marketing sales in Semester I/2023 reached IDR2.48tn or equivalent to 50.6% of the 2023 marketing sales target of IDR 4.9tn. For healthcare segment, operated by LPKR’s subsidiary PT Siloam International Hospitals Tbk (“Siloam”), managed to maintain growth momentum throughout Semester I/2023 and proved sustainable growth regardless of seasonal factors during the Eid period in Quarter II/2023. Revenue and EBITDA for Semester I/2023 were respectively recorded at IDR 5.3tn (20% higher than the previous year) and IDR 1.4tn (48% increase compared to the previous year).

Lifestyle segment also recorded improvements in Semester I/2023 compared to the previous year. Mall revenues up to Semester I/2023 increased by 59% compared to the previous year to IDR 275bn. Meanwhile, Aryaduta Hotel posted revenues 28% higher than the previous year to IDR 201bn.

From ESG standpoint, LPKR released “2030 Sustainability Agenda” which is LPKR’s public commitment to achieve a series of holistic and measurable ESG targets, which will improve the Company’s sustainability performance standards, especially in climate action, social impact, and corporate governance. This agenda aligns LPKR’s corporate policies and business growth plans with the Company’s sustainability goals and strategy. It ensures that LPKR takes a long-term view of ESG as the Company transitions towards a more sustainable future.



For further information, please contact:

Investor Relations:

Dr. Randi Bayu Prathama

Head of Investor Relations

Office: +6281122587


Corporate Communications:

Nuke Prabandari

Head of Corporate Communication 

Office: +622125569000